Condition PowerView Message Reason Corrective Action
Input circuit breaker
tripped open.
The input circuit breaker on the
UPS tripped open. Input voltage is
disconnected from the UPS.
Option 1: If this occurs in
conjunction with an overload
condition, decrease the load
and reset the breaker.
Option 2: If no overload
condition exists, reset the
breaker. If the breaker trips
open again, call contract
service provider or APC
Technical Support.
System level fan failed. A cooling fan in the UPS frame
Call contract service provider
or APC Technical Support.
The Redundant
Intelligence Module (IM)
is in control.
The intelligence module in the
lower IM slot has failed or is not
installed. The intelligence module
in the upper IM slot is managing all
Replace the intelligence
module. Refer to module
replacement procedure.
General Fault
IIC inter-module
communications failed.
The communications between the
MIM and at least one other module
Call contract service provider
or APC Technical Support.