- 50 -
2. Click “ ”.
3. Input a UDV name, choose a VG Name and input a size to the UDV;
decide the stripe high, block size, read/write mode and set priority,
finally click “ “.
4. Done. A UDV has been created.
5. Do one more time to create another UDV.
(Figure Create UDVs named “UDV-R5-1” and “UDV-R5-2”, related to “VG-R5”, the
size of “UDV-R5-1” is 50GB, the size of “UDV-R5-2” is 64GB. The status of these UDVs are
online, write back, high priority with cache volume 120MB. “UDV-R5-2” is initializing about
4%. There is no LUN attached.)
Step 3: Attach LUN to UDV.
There are 2 methods to attach LUN to UDV.
1. In “/ Volume config / User data volume”, press
“ ”.
2. In “/ Volume config / Logical unit”, press “ ”.
The procedures are as follows: