126NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
6. Check the alert Severities that apply to buttons to be activated.
7. In the Basic tab:
a. Click Add..., enter an E-mail or SMS address to which the alert notification will be sent,
select the language and territory using the Locales drop-down list, then click OK.
b. Check Include Addresses from Thresholds to include threshold-specific e-mail
Note: If the E-mail Addresses field is blank and you uncheck Include
Addresses from Thresholds, no e-mail notifications are sent.
If the E-mail Addresses field is blank and you check Include Addresses from
Thresholds, e-mail notifications will be sent only if the threshold that is
exceeded has a Threshold-Specific Address List.
For more information on threshold-specific notification lists see “Advanced
View: Defining Thresholds” on page 107.
c. Type the Message (inc. macros) for the short-format e-mail message or text message..
For more information on macros supported by BotzWare see “BotzWare
Macros” on page 133.
8. In the Advanced tab:
a. If you do not want e-mail notifications sent when sensor readings return to a normal state,
check Do Not Send Return-To-Normal Messages.
b. To include only the header information necessary to ensure delivery of the e-mail message,
check Minimize Header Usage.
c. Specify a Message Size Limit (chars) for e-mail messages generated by this alert action.
d. Specify a Message Validity Period.
e. Click to Send Both HTML and Plain Text Message.
9. Click OK to save this Alert Action..