
Revision B MX28B-1200 PRODUCT MANUAL
MX28B-1200/2400 33
1) Use the right or left arrow keys to position the cycling cursor below “SYSTEM”.
2) Press the down arrow key once.
3) Use the right arrow key to position the cycling cursor below “IN-RLY”.
4) Press the down arrow key once; the cursor will be cycling below “RLY-MAP”.
5) Press the down arrow key (repeatedly if necessary) until the desired parameter screen is
displayed (there are eight parameter screens in this category).
6) After making any desired changes (refer to Section 6.1 for the procedure), to return to the
main menu press the up arrow key repeatedly.
If a parameter requires a level 1 or level 2 security access to permit changes to it, the security
level will be found in braces, i.e. {2}, in the “PARAMETER” column of Table 6-1.
The complete menu structure shown in the order in which it is accessed from the control unit
display is presented in outline form in Figure 6.2. Each indentation to the right represents a
menu level below the indicated title.