
31User Guide Silcon DP300E Series 480V 240-320kVA
7OA0002 US rev. 04
Remote Display
Possible alarm Description
Battery MCB is off Battery MCCB not closed or released
High temp. isolation transformer Temperature on isolation input/output
transformer too high
Battery voltage high Battery voltage outside limits
High inverter temperature Temperature on main or delta inverter
too high
Battery voltage low, warning The battery is nearly discharged
Inverter current limiter active Peak current limiter has been activated
and UPS switched to bypass operation.
System overload
Overload. Load is over 100% Overload on UPS
Bypass is out of tolerance Bypass input voltage outside limits
Mains is out of tolerance Utility input voltage outside limits
7.1.6 Adjusting contrast
As described in chapter 1.0 Introduction.
Utility = Mains