Battery Management System
0x0821 Informational Battery: Dryout/sulfation no longer present.
0x0822 Severe Battery: Pilot temperature high.
0x0823 Informational Battery: High pilot temperature returned to normal.
0x0824 Severe Environment: Ambient temperature high.
0x0825 Informational Environment: High ambient temperature returned to normal.
0x0826 Warning Environment: Ambient temperature low.
0x0827 Informational Environment: Low ambient temperature returned to normal.
0x0828 Severe Management Controller: System is not configured correctly.
0x0829 Informational Management Controller: System is configured correctly.
0x082A Warning Management Controller: Ripple current sensor is
0x082B Informational Management Controller: Ripple current sensor is present.
0x082C Severe Management Controller: Current sensor is disconnected.
0x082D Informational Management Controller: Current sensor is present.
0x082E Severe Management Controller: Pilot temperature sensor is
0x082F Informational Management Controller: Pilot temperature sensor is present.
0x0830 Warning Management Controller: Ambient temperature sensor is
0x0831 Informational Management Controller: Ambient temperature sensor is
0x0832 Informational System: Response benchmark established.
0x0833 Informational System: Response test complete.
Code Severity Description