
Install the Wire Harnesses
Wire Harness: Installation 7
How to install tab
washers on embedded
battery terminals
1. Remove the bolt from a battery.
2. Place the ring terminal on the existing battery connection, directly
under the hex-head of the bolt.
3. Replace the bolt in the battery, and adjust its torque according to
the battery manufacturer’s specifications.
4. Coat the tab washer and nut with approved antioxidant grease.
Verify that the string is an open circuit before working
with the batteries.
For Battery 1 and the last battery of String A, you must
install additional tab washers to connect the Battery
Management System unit power wires (String A wires 34
and 35). For each unit on the system, attach one
additional tab washer. For example, a four-unit system
would require five tab washers stacked on top of each
other and offset on the positive terminal of both Battery 1
and the last battery of String A. This would include one
tab washer to manage the battery and four tab washers to
connect each unit’s power wire.
If you experience problems connecting to the terminals on the
batteries, contact APC Customer Support at a number on the
back cover of this manual.