Dry Contact I/O SmartSlot Card
Connecting to the configuration utility
The Configuration Utility does not need to be installed, it runs off the Card. With
the Utility, you can:
• review the status of your AP9613 Dry Contact I/O SmartSlot Card and
Universal I/O ports
• perform actions in response to a status change in an input port or to
some UPS event
• change the status of an output relay port in response to a condition
occurring in a device such as your UPS or an environmental monitor
• upgrade the firmware on your AP9613 Dry Contact SmartSlot I/O Card
To launch the Configuration Utility user interface, use the USB cable to connect
your PC to the port indicated by item #2 on your Dry Contact I/O front panel
(see “Itemizing the features of the Dry Contact I/O SmartSlot Card” on page 4).
When the Card is connected to the host PC, it displays as a drive letter on your
PC, see drive E in the graphic below for example.