
Switched Rack PDU User Guide67
Control actions you can select.
Option Description
No Action Do nothing.
On Immediate Apply power to the selected outlets.
On Delayed Apply power to each selected outlet according to its value for Power On Delay.
Off Immediate Remove power from the selected outlets.
Off Delayed Remove power from each selected outlet according to its value for Power Off
Reboot Immediate Remove power from each selected outlet. Then apply power to each of these
outlets according to its value for Reboot Duration.
Reboot Delayed Remove power from each selected outlet according to its value for Power Off
Delay. Wait until all outlets are off (the highest value for Reboot Duration), and
then apply power to each outlet according to its value for Power On Delay.
Cancel Pending Commands Cancel all commands pending for the selected outlets and keep them in their
present state.
Note: For global outlet groups, you can cancel a command only from the inter-
face of the initiator outlet group. The action will cancel the command for the ini-
tiator outlet group and all follower outlet groups.
If a local outlet group is selected, only the configured delays and reboot duration of the lowest-numbered outlet of
the group are used. If a global outlet group is selected, only the configured delays and reboot duration of the global
outlet are used.