Metered Rack PDU User Guide1
Product Features
The APC by Schneider Electric Metered Rack Power Distribution Unit (PDU) may be used as a stand-
alone, network-manageable power distribution device or up to 4 devices can be connected together with
one network connection. The Rack PDU provides real-time remote monitoring of connected loads. User-
defined alarms warn of potential circuit overloads.
Your unit comes with one terminator installed. It is not needed for stand-alone operation of this unit. To
use Network Port Sharing between up to four units, a terminator must be installed in the In port at one
end of the group and another on the Out port at the other end of the group.
You can manage a Rack PDU through its Web interface, its command line interface (CLI),
StruxureWare, or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). (To use the PowerNet MIB with an
SNMP browser, see the PowerNet SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) Reference Guide,
available at www.apc.com.) Rack PDUs have these additional features:
• Peak load, and power and energy monitoring for all connected loads.
• Voltage, current, and power monitoring for phases.
• Current monitoring for outlet banks.
• Configurable alarm thresholds that provide network and visual alarms to help avoid overloaded
• Three levels of user access accounts: Administrator, Device User, and Read-Only User.
• Event and data logging. The event log is accessible by Telnet, Secure CoPy (SCP), File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), serial connection, or Web browser (using HTTPS access with SSL, or using
HTTP access). The data log is accessible by Web browser, SCP, or FTP.
• E-mail notifications for Rack PDU and system events.
• SNMP traps, Syslog messages, and e-mail notifications based on the severity level or category of
the Rack PDU and system events.
• Security protocols for authentication and encryption.
• Network Port Sharing: Up to four Rack PDUs can be connected using the In and Out ports so that
only one network connection is necessary.
Note: The Rack PDU does not provide power surge protection. To ensure that the device is protected
from power failure or power surges, connect the Rack PDU to an APC Uninterruptible Power Supply