34006451EN/AC - Page 9
Installation comprising modular UPSs with an external maintenance bypass
The table below serves as an example for an installation with up to four modular UPSs with an external maintenance bypass.
– for installations with redundant units, take into account only the units required to supply the load power
(e.g. for an installation made up of 3 parallel-connected rectifier-inverter cubicles, one being redundant, only 2 units are used
to determine the currents on the maintenance bypass line and the load, and the cross-sectional areas of cables);
– this table has been drawn up for rated phase-to-phase Mains 2 and load voltages of 415 V and full rated load with a power
factor of 0.9. For voltages of 380 or 400 V, multiply the indicated currents by 1.09 and 1.04 respectively, then modify the cable
cross-sections accordingly if necessary.
The cable cross-sections in this table are for the parts illustrated in bold on the following block diagrams (installation example,
figure 3);
– important. In an installation with an external maintenance bypass, the power cables between each UPS and the
upstream protection devices must be the same length. The same holds for the power cables between each UPS cubicle
and the external maintenance bypass.
in kVA
number of
total UPS
rated output
in kVA
mains 2 or load
line current
in Amps
cross-section (1)
in mm²
800 2 1600 2310
Please consult us*
3 2400 3465 Please consult us*
4 3200 4620 Please consult us*
900 2 1800 2598 Please consult us*
3 2700 3897 Please consult us*
4 3600 5196 Please consult us*
(1) cable cross-sections are given for copper conductors of the U1000 R02V type (increase by 30 % for aluminium conductors).
They are calculated according to permissible temperature rise and allow for line voltage drops over a maximum length of 100 m.
For greater lengths, the cross-sections should be chosen to limit voltage drops to 3 %.
* NF C 15-100 authorizes a maximum of 4 cables per phase.
Fig. 3
maintenance Bypass cubicle
mains 1
inverter 1
inverter 2
inverter 3
mains 2
mains 1
mains 2
mains 1
mains 2