
34006452EN/AC - Page 22
Control panel
Light H - inverter fault
Light I - battery discharged
Light J - inverter desynchronized with Mains 2
Light K - transfer to inverter function fault
Light L - overload
Light M - Mains 2 outside tolerances
Light N - maintenance position
Test connector
This red light is an alarm stored in memory signaling an inverter fault. It can signify one or several of the following faults:
inverter shutdown due to inverter output voltage outside tolerances;
inverter output protection fuse (FU5-6-7) blown;
inverter stack subassembly protection fuse blown (parallel systems);
inverter leg fault;
inverter output transformer over-temperature;
inverter leg over-temperature;
phase or output voltage fault (parallel systems only);
internal clock fault;
inverter control board faulty, not calibrated or not personalized;
power supply board fault.
This yellow light signals that the battery has reached its minimum voltage level, resulting in inverter shutdown.
This light signals that the inverter output frequency has been voluntarily desynchronized with that of Mains 2.
This red light is an alarm stored in memory signaling a fault in the systems for load transfer from Mains 2 to the inverter.
It can signify one or several of the following faults:
inverter output switch K3N fault;
parallel-connection relay fault (parallel systems only);
static switch internal over-temperature;
static switch ventilation fault;
static switch power supply fault;
transfer function control board fault;
inverter control board not calibrated or not personalized;
power supply board fault.
This yellow light is an alarm signaling one or several of the following faults:
inverter stack current more than 5 % above rated current;
inverter output current more than 5 % above rated current;
Mains 2 line current more than 5 % above rated current;
inverter shutdown due to current limiting of output current.
This yellow light signals that the Mains 2 voltage or frequency characteristics are outside tolerances.
This yellow light signals that devices QF1, Q4S, Q5N and Q3BP are set to the maintenance configuration. The UPS system
is not available for load protection.
This 9-pin connector is reserved for after-sales support technicians.
It is used for connection to a microcomputer for:
system calibration;
computer-aided diagnostics.