
Specification guide
Single UPS, three-phase, 160 to 500 kVA
APC by Schneider Electric Edition - 01/2010 Single UPS spec - p.
9. Battery management
Batteries are components whose service life is sensitive to operating conditions, i.e. particular care is required for
their management. In addition to the protective systems indicated in section 8.4, battery management shall include
the systems listed below.
9.1. Self-test
The battery shall be equipped with a self-test that can be run:
ω On request via a manual control
ω Automatically according to user-set time intervals.
The self-test shall enable updating of battery parameters and detection of all abnormal conditions in view of
preventive maintenance.
9.2. Measurement of actual backup time
The battery function shall be equipped with the means to know at all times the real backup time available (AC
power available) or remaining (AC power not available), taking into account the true load on the inverter, the
battery temperature and battery ageing.
9.3. Digital battery monitoring
The UPS shall be equipped with a system for battery digital management.
Based on a number of parameters (percent load, temperature, battery type and age), the system shall control the
battery charge voltage and continuously calculate:
ω The true available backup time (section 9.2)
ω The remaining service life.
9.4. Block by block monitoring
To further optimize battery availability and service life, it shall be possible to equip the UPS with an optional system
to continuously monitor all battery strings and display a block by block failure prediction. The system shall include
the functions listed below.
ω Continuous measurement of the voltage of each block.
ω Continuous measurement of the internal resistance.
ω Identification of faulty blocks (trend curves).
ω Possibility of replacing individual blocks.
ω Removing of all information via Ethernet, dry contacts or JBus.
10. User interface and communication
10.1. User interface
UPS operation shall be facilitated by a user interface comprising:
ω a B&W graphical display
ω ON and OFF control buttons (independent of the display)
ω Status indications with mimic panel.
10.1.1. Graphical display
The mimic diagram shall enable display of installation parameters, configuration, operating status and alarms and
indication of operator instructions for switching operations (e.g. bypass). It shall be capable of supervising a single
UPS or a parallel system of up to eight UPS units with their SSC (static-switch cabinet).
ω Display of measurements
It shall be possible to display the following measurements:
- Inverter output phase-to-phase voltages
- Inverter output currents
- Inverter output frequency
- Voltage across battery terminals
- Battery charge or discharge current
- Rectifier/charger input phase-to-phase voltages
- Rectifier/charger input currents
- crest factor
- Active and apparent power
- Power factor of the load
- Battery temperature
- Battery percent charge
- Available backup time