32 Instruction manual SGE
Water heater with concentric flue gas discharge material
According to the table, the maximum permitted length is 40 metres, and 4 x 90
degree bends are permitted. Both requirements are fulfilled.
For type C13 and C33 installations,A.O.Smith prescribes the use of a roof
or wall flue terminal, exclusively of a type approved for the water heater. Use of
an incorrect roof or wall-mounted flue terminal can cause the installation to
Concentric wall flue terminal specifications C13
IMD-0791 R0
Subject Description
Wall flue terminal set:
• 1x wall flue terminal (incl. wall
flange & clamping ring)
• 1x pipe 500 mm
• 1x bend, 90°
Art. No. 0302 504
Construction Concentric
Manufacturer Muelink & Grol
Model M2000 MDV SEC
Pipe material Construction Concentric
Flue gas discharge Thick-walled aluminium with lip ring seal
Air supply Thin-walled galvanised sheet steel
Pipe diameters Flue gas discharge Ø 100 mm
Air supply Ø 150 mm
No other wall flue terminal is permitted. Use this item number to order the wall conduit set from supplier,
manufacturer or wholesaler.