Instruction manual SGE 95
17. Check the drain pipes from the discharge points of all valves and remove
any lime buildup that may be present.
18. Drain the appliance (see Draining).
15.3 Water-side
15.3.1 Introduction
The following steps must be carried out on the water side:
1. Checking the anodes.
2. Descaling and cleaning the tank.
3. Cleaning condensation water discharge.
15.3.2 Checking the anodes
Timely replacement of the anodes extends the service life of the appliance. The
appliance's anodes must be replaced as soon as they are 60% or more
consumed (take this into consideration when determining the maintenance
1. Loosen the anodes using suitable tools.
2. Check the anodes, and if necessary, replace them.
15.3.3 Descaling and cleaning the tank
Scale and lime buildup prevent effective conduction of the heat to the water.
Periodic cleaning and descaling prevents buildup of these deposits. This
increases the service life of the appliance, and also improves the heating
Take the rate of scale formation into account when deciding on maintenance
frequency. Scale formation depends on the local water composition, the water
consumption and the water temperature setting. A water temperature setting of
maximum 60°C is recommended for prevention of excessive scale buildup.
To guarantee a good, watertight seal around the cleaning opening, replace the
gasket, washers, bolts and, if necessary, the lid with new parts before
reassembly (see the figure). A special set is obtainable from the
To simplify descaling and cleaning of the tank, the appliance is equipped with
two cleaning openings.
1. Remove the cover plate (1) on the outer jacket (see the figure).
2. Undo the bolts.
3. Remove the cover and the gasket.
4. Inspect the tank and remove the loose scale deposits and contamination.