2.1.3 Gas connection
The gas supply to this appliance must
be installed in accordance with BS 6891
Fit the 1/2" gas supply cock supplied
with this unit immediately before the gas
control block. No heat or soldered joints
should be applied in the vicinity of the
gas control block, as they could cause
damage to the control.
All connections and joints should be
tested for gas soundness with a
suitable leak detector (do not use a
naked flame).
2.1.4 Flue system
The water heater should be fitted with a
flue system connected to the draught
diverter. The flue pipe should rise for at
least 50 cm. vertically before the
inclusion of any bends. If a horizontal
run of flue is required this should be
kept to the minimum length possible and
incorporate a rise of 6 cm. per metre of
run. A split clip or flange should be
provided in the flue close to the draught
diverter for ease of servicing.
All flue materials should be corrosion
resistant i.e. stainless steel or
galvanised and must include a tested
and approved terminal to BS 5440 part I.
If the flue passes through any
combustible material measures must be
taken to protect against the possibility of
All flues must terminate in free air space
approx. 1.5 metres from any vertical
surface of structure i.e. chimney
stacks, roof parapets, etc. If an existing
chimney or flue is to be used this should
be swept clean and be free of debris
before an approved liner is installed and
connected to the water heater.
2.1.5 Flue down draught safety
The draught diverter has already been
provided with a temperature probe ex
factory for signalling returning flue
gases. The probe of the down draught
supervision must remain installed on
the draught hood.
Connect the slide connectors of the
down draught supervision to the
thermocouple (see Figure 5) and install
the head of the down draught
supervision in the bracket; see Figure
5. The draught hood must be positioned
in its normal place with the temperature
probe at the front of the boiler. Pass
the wiring of the temperature probe
through the cable duct.
The screws with which the down
draught supervision has been mounted
in the bracket are already in the
Figure 5 - Down draught supervision
IMD 0422