The water heater(s) shall be A. O. Smith Dura-Power Model(s) CMC/SU _____ rated at _____ KW, _____ volts, _____ -phase, 50/60 cycle AC, and constructed in
accordance with ASME Code and shall bear appropriate symbol and be listed with the National Board as required. Heater shall be listed with Underwriters
Laboratories and approved by National Sanitation Foundation.
Glass-lined tank(s) shall be _____ gallon capacity with 150 psi maximum working pressure/ASME Code. Tank shall be cathodically protected with adequate
extruded magnesium rod. All internal surfaces of the heater(s) exposed to water shall be glass-lined with an alkaline borosilicate composition fused to
steel. For deionized, substitute: Stainless tank(s) shall be _____ gallon capacity with 150 psi working pressure/ASME Code.
Elements shall be commercial-grade, medium watt density, triple-loop construction Incoloy sheathed or Goldenrod elements __________. For deionized,
substitute: Elements shall be commercial-grade, type 316 L stainless steel sheathed. Elements shall be switched through magnetic contactor(s). Fused 120V
control circuit shall include manual reset, high-temperature cut-off switch and immersion-style operating thermostat(s). Low-water cut-off (optional) to
prevent element burnout due to possible low-water conditions. Straight-line rectangular cabinet shall be baked enamel with stainless steel front panel
(SU models only). All stainless steel jacket (CMC models only) shall provide full-size access to control and elements for ease in servicing and shall enclose
tank with fiber-class insulation.
Heater tank shall have a three (3) year limited warranty as outlined in the written warranty.
For Technical Information and Automated Fax Service, call 800-527-1953. A.O. Smith Corporation reserves the right to make product changes or improvements without prior notice.
Commercial Electric Water Heaters
Revised October 2008 PG 4 OF 4