
Commercial Gas Water Heaters
Water Heater(s) shall be Model __________ as manufactured by A. O. SMITH, or equal. Water heater(s) shall be of glass-lined design,
and gasfi red, equipped to burn __________ gas and design certifi ed by the Underwriter Laboratory under Volume III tests for
commercial heaters for delivery of 180°F water, and meet the requirements of ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2004. Heaters shall have an input
rating of __________ and a recovery rating of __________ GPH at a temperature rise of 100°F with a storage capacity of __________
gallons. Heaters shall be equipped with 1 1/2” water inlet and outlet openings (BTN 200, 250, 275, 310 rear openings are 2”), a 2 3/4”
x 3 3/4” boiler-type handhole cleanout and shall have a maximum working pressure of 160 psi. Water heater(s) shall be equipped
with an integrated control system consisting of a 180°F adjustable thermostat with upper and lower sensing bulbs, which average
the water temperatures at the top and bottom of the tank for maximum water temperature control. Heater(s) shall be provided
with a manual reset gas shutoff device, a gas pressure regulator set for the type of gas supplied, coated steel burners, an approved
draft diverter, anodes for cathodic protection, fl ue damper and IID system. A.G.A. pressure and temperature relief valve shall be
furnished and installed by the factory. The heater shall be insulated with foam insulation or equal. The outer jacket shall have a
baked enamel fi nish over a bonderized undercoating. All internal surfaces of the heater(s) exposed to water shall be glass-lined
with an alkaline borosilicate composition that has been fused-to-steel by fi ring at a temperature range of 1400° to 1600°F. Heater
tank shall have a 3 year limited warranty against corrosion or sediment buildup as outlined in the written warranty. Fully illustrated
instruction manual to be included.
For Technical Information and Automated Fax Service, call 800-527-1953. A.O. Smith Corporation reserves the right to make product changes or improvements without prior notice.
Revised September 2008
PG 4 OF 4
Dimension Tables for BTN Models 120-400
Tank Cap.
Type of
Approx. Ship.
BTN120 71 nat 120,000 63 4 1/4 59 1/2 50 7/8 19 5/8 19 1/2 51 7/8 6 27 3/4 400 --
BTN154 81 nat 154,000 68 4 1/2 62 53 5/8 20 1/2 21 1/2 54 5/8 6 27 3/4 470 --
BTN180 99 nat 180,000 72 4 1/2 70 61 5/8 20 1/2 21 1/2 61 6 27 3/4 470 --
BTN199 99 nat 199,000 72 4 1/2 70 61 5/8 20 1/2 21 1/2 61 6 27 3/4 470 --
BTN200(A) 100 nat 199,000 72 4 1/2 70 61 5/8 20 1/2 21 1/2 61 6 27 3/4 603 625
BTN250(A) 100 nat 250,000 72 4 1/2 70 61 5/8 20 1/2 21 1/2 61 6 27 3/4 603 625
BTN275(A) 100 nat 275,000 72 4 1/2 70 61 5/8 20 1/2 21 1/2 61 6 27 3/4 603 625
BTN310(A) 85 nat 310,000 73 4 1/2 72 62 1/2 20 1/2 21 1/2 63 6 27 3/4 603 625
BTN366(A) 85 nat 366,000 73 4 1/2 72 62 1/2 22 1/2 21 1/2 63 6 27 3/4 725 833
BTN400(A) 85 nat 390,000 73 4 1/2 72 62 1/2 22 1/2 21 1/2 63 6 27 3/4 725 833
All dimensions are in inches.
Recovery Capacities for BTN
Temperature Rise - Degrees F - Gallons Per Hour
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
BTN120 120,000 71 388 291 233 194 166 145 129 116 106 97 90 83
BTN154 154,000 81 498 373 299 249 213 187 166 149 136 124 115 107
BTN180 180,000 99 582 436 349 291 249 218 194 175 159 145 134 125
BTN199 199,000 99 643 482 386 322 276 241 214 193 175 161 148 138
BTN200(A) 199,000 100 643 482 386 322 276 241 214 193 175 161 148 138
BTN250(A) 250,000 100 808 606 485 404 346 303 269 242 220 202 186 173
BTN275(A) 275,000 100 889 667 533 444 381 333 296 267 242 222 205 190
BTN310(A) 310,000 85 1002 752 601 501 430 376 334 300 273 251 231 215
BTN366(A) 366,000 85 1183 887 710 592 507 444 394 355 323 296 273 254
BTN400(A) 390,000 85 1261 945 756 630 540 473 420 378 344 315 291 270
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