754281-100 Rev. A-2-
• Strip to bare studs.
• Alcove studs should be constructed as shown above.
• Floor must be clean, smooth, and level (check with level). Sub
floor must be installed. Do not install tub on open floor joists.
• Cut hole in sub floor as shown on page 1 to accommodate drain.
• Trial fit tub in prepared alcove. With tub sitting flat on floor, check
with level on top of tub. Tub should be level from front-to-back
and side-to-side (Fig 1).
• A floor leveling compound (smooth mortar) or a similar
quick-setting compound specifically made for leveling floors may
be used to fully support and level base.
• After tub is leveled, if alcove is larger than tub, shim between tub
and studs to create a tight fit. Screw tub flange to studs (Fig. 2).
FIGURE 1. Check to assure tub is level.
FIGURE 2. If necessary, shim between tub and studs for
tight fit and screw to each stud.
• Do not use any abrasive cleaners or metal scrapers.
• If drywall mud or plaster gets on your shower, it may be carefully removed with a wooden scraper made from
a piece of scrap wood.
• Adhesive may be removed with mineral spirits.
• Ideal cleaners are Soft Scrub Gel
or Comet Gel
Some cleaning products are not suitable for use. Read all labels carefully.
DO NOT USE if they say “not suitable for use with ABS, acrylic, or polystyrene.