This knob adjust the audio sensitivity of the internal microphone (10).
Turning the sensitivity knob in the clockwise direction will increase the
sensitivity to sound. Turning the knob in the counter clockwise direction
will decrease the xture’s sensitivity to sound.
This microphone receives external low frequencies to trigger the unit in
Sound-Active and Master/Slave mode..
These vents are used to allow proper cooling. Keep the vents clean.
Never block the vents, improper cooling may result in premature lamp
These are used to access two special functions:
Inverted Pan - When activated this switch will invert the
PAN value. Left will become right and vice versa.
Inverted Tilt - When activated this switch will invert the
TILT value. Up will become down and vice versa.
These buttons serve two functions. When the unit is to be used as the
master unit in master/slave mode these switches are used to assign the
program pattern type, either large or small. In when the used is to be
used as a slave or when in DMX mode these buttons are used to assign
a DMX address to the unit.
XP-3™ Controls and Functions
- www.americandj.com - XP-3™ Instruction Manual Page 12
- www.americandj.com - XP-3™ Instruction Manual Page 11
Dipswitch Functions
1 2
1 : Pan Inverted
2 : Tilt Inverted
5 1 2
Function Buttons Key
1 2 3
1 Function Key : F01 And F02 And DMX Address Change Key
2 Up Key : DMX Address Up Counter
Down Key : DMX Address Down Counter
may be operated in three different modes:
The unit will react to sound, chasing through
Stand alone mode - The unit will react to sound, chasing through Stand alone mode -
the several built in programs. You can also use the optional MINI/C
remote to control a blackout function.
You can daisy chain up to 16 units together
to get a synchronized light show that will react to sound chasing
through several built in programs. You can also use the optional
MINI/C remote to control a blackout function.
This function will allow you to control each
individual fixtures traits with a standard DMX 512 controller such as
the American DJ® DMX Operator™ or Show Designer.
Stand-Alone Operation (Sound Active):
single unit to run to the beat of the music. Only use this function when
running a single unit, or when running several units as individuals.
Please note this function does not allow individual control of the DMX
traits and will only run to the units built-in programs.
To activate the Sound-Active mode, use the function button to
select either a large or small program pattern (
the function button chart above
). Large or Small is used to refer-
ence the room size the unit will be used in. A large program type will
use programs that cover a wide area and small program type will
use programs that cover a narrow area.
The unit will now react to the low frequencies of music via the inter-
Adjust the audio sensitivity knob on the side of the unit to make the
unit more or less sensitive to sound.
Turning the sensitivity knob in
the clockwise direction will increase the sensitivity, turning the knob
XP-3™ Operation
Master/Slave Settings
F 0 1
F 0 2
0 0 1
0 0 6
0 0 6
Slave 1
Slave 2
Slave 3
Small Pattern On Sound Active
Big Pattern On Sound Active
Address 01
Address 06
Address 06