©American Audio® - www.AmericanAudio.us - DV2 USB Instruction Manual Page 10
This rotary knob is used to change the way the chan-
nel fader will operate. Each of the two channels has a “Curve” adjustment. The curve on the faders
adjust from long or short or any variation of the two. The shorter the curve adjustment the sooner full
volume will be reached.
This rotary knob is used to change the way the cross-
fader will operate. The crossfader can operate in different modes, “NORMAL CURVE”, “QUICK CURVE”
or any variation of the two. (Quick Curve usually used for crabbing).
CROSSFADERREVERSE- When the Crossfader reverse switch is activated the LED above it
will light up. When this mode is activated the left side of the crossfader is Ch. 2 and the right
side is Ch.1.
PGMREVERSE-When reversing the channel faders, moving the fader in an upwards direc-
tion will decrease channel volume and moving the fader in a downwards direction will increase
channel volume.
This jack is used to connect your headphones to the mixer allow-
ing you to monitor the cue source. Use headphones only rated at 8 ohms to 32 ohms. Most DJ head-
phones are rated at 16 ohm, these are highly recommended. Always be sure the
is set to minimum before you put the headphones on.
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