
Chapter 2. CLI Syntax Reference
50 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide
The show selftest command displays the current selftest background task
schedule as illustrated below. Selftests do not have a time duration since they
are completed momentarily.
//localhost> /c1 show selftest
Selftest Schedule for Controller /c1
Slot Day Hour UDMA SMART
1 Sun 12:00am enabled enabled
2 Mon 12:00am enabled enabled
3 Tue 12:00am enabled enabled
4 Wed 12:00am enabled enabled
5 Thu 12:00am enabled enabled
6 Fri 12:00am enabled enabled
7 Sat 12:00am enabled enabled
add rebuild=
This command adds a new background rebuild task to be executed on the day
ddd (where ddd is Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat), at the hour hh
(range 0 .. 23), for a duration of duration (range 1 .. 24) hours. A maximum of
seven rebuild tasks can be scheduled. This command will fail if no (empty)
task slot is available.
//localhost> /c1 add rebuild=Sun:16:3
adds a rebuild background task schedule to be executed on Sundays at 16
hours (4:00 PM) for a duration of 3 hours.
Setting Up a Rebuild Schedule
Setting up a rebuild schedule requires several steps, and several different CLI
commands in addition to /cx add rebuild.
To set up the rebuild schedule you want to use, follow this
1 Use the /cx show rebuild command to display the current schedule for
rebuild tasks. (For details, see page 46.)
2 If any of the scheduled tasks do not match your desired schedule, use the
/cx del rebuild command to remove them. (For details, see page 53.)