2-2-1-1 Scan For Other Wireless Devices
Configuration utility will scan for all wireless access points automatically. Please check if the wireless access
point with the SSID (the name of wireless access point) you preferred is shown here.
If the wireless access point you wish to connect does not show here, please click ‘Rescan’ to try again, until
the one you preferred is displayed. You may have to click ‘Rescan’ for more than two times before you can
see the access point you wish to use here sometimes.
If you still can not see the access point you wish to use after clicking ‘Rescan’ for more than five times,
please move your computer closer to the location where the wireless access point is.
If you wish to see detailed information for a specific access point, please double-click on it, and you’ll be
provided with its detailed information.
2-2-1-2 Connect To An Access Point
If the wireless access point you wish to connect is found, click the wireless access point or network device
you wish to connect, it will be highlighted, then click ‘Connect’.
If the access point you selected does not use encryption, you’ll be connected to this wireless access point
within one minute.