Chapter 1 · 31KINDLE USER’S GUIDE 4
You have your Kindle plugged into power and the battery is charging.
The charge indicator light on the bottom of your Kindle also lights up. Note that
if your Kindle is plugged into a low powered USB port such as those found
on some keyboards or older computers, you will only derive enough charge
to avoid depleting the battery but not enough to recharge it.
The images above show the various states of the
battery as it discharges. As you deplete the battery, less of the battery indicator will be
filled in.
The battery is too low to power the Whispernet service. You must charge your
Kindle battery to restore wireless service.
Keep in mind that subscribing to multiple blogs that update frequently may increase
power consumption and decrease the battery life. Weak signal coverage can also
increase power consumption
Appears in the top left corner of your Kindle screen when the device is busy
downloading new content, checking for new items, searching for an item, opening a
large PDF file, or loading a web page.