
Changes made to your default 1-Click method will apply to your future Amazon.com 1-Click
transactions, but will not change your current active Kindle subscriptions.
View and manage your active Kindle subscriptions — view which subscriptions are currently
active, change payment information, and see billing details. You can see all of your active and
inactive subscriptions by going to Manage Your Subscriptions which you access from the Your
Account or Manage Your Kindle pages.
View recent orders and individual charges — view your purchase history and Web usage. You can
view details of individual orders which include information such as order date and total charges.
Manage synchronization between devices. Learn more - allows you to turn Whispersync off or on.
When Whispersync is off, your book will still open to the last page read on that Kindle, but
Whispersync will no longer sync its bookmarks or furthest page read with other Kindles. If you plan
to read the same book on more than one Kindle at a time, it is recommended that you keep
synchronization on.
Your Media Library
Your Media Library on Amazon.com can be found using your Web browser at:
Your Media Library provides Amazon.com customers the tools to catalog digital media collections,
share information, ratings and comments with other Amazon.com users, and discover what other
people are reading, listening to, and viewing. Here customers also have easy download access to all
digital purchases including Kindle content.
All of your Kindle purchases are automatically stored in Your Media Library for safe keeping. In
addition to using Content Manager on your Kindle to move your content around, you can visit Your
Media Library on Amazon.com to view and download Kindle content. Move your purchases back and
forth between Your Media Library and the device to make space for new purchases on your device.
9.3 Contacting Kindle Support
If you have problems with your Kindle, try using the Kindle Support Web site or one of our Customer
Service members will be happy to help.
Kindle Support Web Address:
Kindle Support Phone Numbers:
If you are calling from inside the U.S., call toll free: