Chapter 7 - Digital Connections
108 Q20 Reference Manual
To Two or More ADATs
If using two or more ADATs, they must be connected together so that they are in sync
with each other. This is accomplished by connecting each ADATÕs SYNC OUT
connector to the SYNC IN connector of the next ADAT in the chain, as described in
the ADAT Reference Manual.
The fiber optic cables that make up the digital buss need to be connected in the same
order as the Sync cables. The Q20 is inserted in the fiber optic loop from the output of
the second ADAT to the input of the master ADAT. The Q20 lets you turn its digital
output into a ÒthroughputÓ of the digital input. This allows you to move audio
through the Q20, even when you donÕt want to use it to process anything, without
having to repatch your fiber optic cables. More information about digital audio
routing can be found in the next section.
To connect the Q20 to two ADATs:
➀ Connect an EIAJ fiber optic cable (available from your dealer) from the
[DIGITAL OUT] of the Q20 to the [DIGITAL IN] of the first ADAT.
➁ Connect another fiber optic cable from the first ADATÕs [DIGITAL OUT] to the
➂ Connect another fiber optic cable from the second ADATÕs [DIGITAL OUT] to
the Q20Õs [DIGITAL IN].
➃ Connect a dual male, 9 pin D cable from the first ADATÕs [SYNC OUT] to the
second ADATÕs [SYNC IN].
Q20 Optical Out to
ADAT 1 Optical In
ADAT 2 Optical Out
to Q20 Optical In
ADAT 1 Optical Out to ADAT 2 Optical In