Chapter 2: Playing the DG8
When the DG8 is shipped from the factory, its user parameters are set to certain
values so that the unit will perform its most basic functions right out of the box.
These are called defaults – values that are set at the factory as the most useful and/or
logical starting points for the various functions within the unit. You may have
noticed this as you explored the DG8’s functions, and this manual refers to these
default values from time to time.
If for any reason you want to return the DG8 to the state it was in when it shipped,
you can initialize (perform a complete reset) of the DG8 and return it to its default
state. This feature is particularly useful in the event a power problem causes the DG8
to behave strangely, or if certain functions do not seem to be operating as expected.
To initialize the DG8:
• Turn it off.
• Press and hold the ▲ and ▼ arrows.
• While the arrows are being held down, turn the DG8 back on.
This simple procedure resets the following parameters:
• MIDI volume is reset to the maximum of 127 for the Primary Sound,
Layer and Split
• EQ is turned off
• modulation is reset to 0
• Program Piano1A is selected with no Layers or Splits
• all Primary Sound and Bass Program sound banks are reset to the A program.
Selecting a Card Program will recall program
000 whether used as Primary
Layer or Split.
• tuning is reset to A440; the Master Tune display resets to 00
• default Split Point is reset to key “C2”, the C one octave below Middle C
• the AUX pedal is reset to Volume
• Keyboard Scaling is reset to the mid-point value of 50
• Stretch Tuning is turned on
• Sustain Catch is turned on
• Local Control is turned on
• Basic MIDI Channel is set to 1
• Bass Sustain is turned off
There are two parameters and one function which reset every time you turn the DG8
on. Modulation and volume values are reset upon power up, and the
button is turned off.