
Supported Traps
OmniSwitch 6800/6850/9000—Release 6.1.3.R01 page 37
Supported Traps
The following traps are supported in 6.1.3.R01:
No. Trap Name Platforms Description
0 coldStart all The SNMP agent in the switch is rein-
itiating and its configuration may
have been altered.
1 warmStart all The SNMP agent in the switch is rein-
itiating itself and its configuration is
2 linkDown all The SNMP agent in the switch recog-
nizes a failure in one of the communi-
cations links configured for the
3 linkUp all The SNMP agent in the switch recog-
nizes that one of the communications
links configured for the switch has
come up.
4 authenticationFailure all The SNMP agent in the switch has
received a protocol message that is
not properly authenticated.
5 entConfigChange all An entConfigChange notification is
generated when a conceptual row is
created, modified, or deleted in one of
the entity tables.
6 aipAMAPStatusTrap all The status of the
Alcatel Mapping
Adjacency Protocol (AMAP) port
7 aipGMAPConflictTrap This trap is not supported.
8 policyEventNotification all The switch notifies the NMS when a
significant event happens that
involves the policy manager.
9 chassisTrapsStr all A software trouble report (STR) was
sent by an application encountering a
problem during its execution.
10 chassisTrapsAlert all A notification that some change has
occurred in the chassis.
11 chassisTrapsStateChange all An NI status change was detected.
12 chassisTrapsMacOverlap all A MAC range overlap was found in
the backplane eeprom.
13 vrrpTrapNewMaster all The SNMP agent has transferred from
the backup state to the master state.
14 vrrpTrapAuthFailure This trap is not supported.
15 healthMonDeviceTrap all Indicates a device-level threshold was
16 healthMonModuleTrap all Indicates a module-level threshold
was crossed.