
Aiphone AX Series 13710 (28 13 00) - 7
I. Monitor:
1. If you press individual door station selector button, you can hear audio and if that door
station has a camera, you can see image.
2. Press OFF button to end. Call also ends automatically when set communication end time
is reached.
3. While door station is communicating with or monitored by a master station, you cannot
monitor that door station from another master station.
4. If you press TALK button while monitoring, hands-free communication mode starts with
that door station.
J. Scan Monitor:
1. When scan monitor button is pressed, door stations that have been enabled for “Scan
Monitor” in programming can be monitored sequentially for a specified time interval
(configured in programming).
2. Monitoring always initiates from target door station with lowest number.
3. If you press scan monitor button while individually monitoring target door station,
monitoring starts with the next door station in line.
4. If you press scan monitor button while monitoring non-target door station, monitoring starts
with the first door station enabled for scan monitoring.
5. Press OFF button to end.
6. Communication/video channel 2 is always used for scan monitoring. During scan
monitoring, video signal is always outputted from video output port 2 (V2). Scan
monitoring is not possible when communication/video channel 2 is being used, even if
busy LED is not illuminated.
7. Only one master station at a time can perform scan monitoring.
8. If you press TALK button during scan monitoring, hands-free communication mode starts
with that door station.
9. If you press individual door station selector button or scan monitor button during scan
monitoring, monitoring switches to monitoring individual door station.
10. If master station receives call from door station during scan monitoring, scan monitor
function ends automatically and shall be restarted manually.
11. Scan monitoring continues without limit until it is cancelled, but master station LCD
monitor goes out after 10 minutes. Outside video output continues even with LCD off. If
you press scan monitor button with LCD off, LCD lights up again.
12. If you press TALK button during scan monitoring, communication mode starts with door
station being monitored.
K. Activating Door Release:
1. Press door release button during communication or monitoring with door station.
2. Door release function will be activated, releasing door lock.
3. You cannot operate door from outside telephone.
4. LED stays lit while door release function is activated.
5. Door release contacts can be set to Normally Open or Normally Closed via program
L. Priority:
1. Calls have priority based on the time the call was initiated. (Earlier call has priority over
later call).
2. Communication Priority, from Highest to Lowest:
a. Door station, telephone line communication.
b. Priority All Call.
c. Door station to master station communication.