Analyzing the Universal Serial
This chapter introduces you to the USB Analysis
Probe and lists the minimum equipment required and
accessories supplied for Universal Serial Bus
analysis. This chapter also contains information that
is common to both state and timing analysis.
Before you use the USB Analysis Probe software,
make a duplicate copy of the master diskette. Then
store the master diskette and use the back-up copy to
configure your logic analyzer. This will help prevent
the possibility of losing or destroying the original files
in the event the diskette wears out, is damaged, or a
file is accidentally deleted.
Duplicating the
Master Diskette
To make a duplicate copy, use the Duplicate diskette
operation in the disk menu of your logic analyzer. For
more information, refer to the reference manual for
your logic analyzer.
The USB Analysis Probe product consists of the
following accessories:
• The USB Analysis Probe interface hardware
• The inverse assembly and configuration software
on a 3.5 inch diskette.
• This operating manual