SM (SMBus) Control
Paddle card Settings
The FS2343 probe is designed so that AMB/LAI device control can be either from the
16900 logic analyzer and the Probe Control application software resident there, or from
another FS2343 probe (slave mode).
This feature is controlled by means of a 6 position switch on the probe paddle card near
the logic analyzer connections.
The factory configuration is for 16900 control of the probe. The settings on the switch
are dependent on the configuration file used. The following picture shows the jumper
and switch configurations on the paddle card.
Probe Settings
There is a 4 position jumper location at U8 on the top side of the FS2343 Interposer
probe. There are jumpers that can be placed over each of the 4 set of pins. They have
the following function:
Jumper Function
1 - 5 Probe ID bit 0 Address 20
2 - 6 Probe ID bit 1 Address 21
3 - 7 Jumper removed = AMB SMBus
connected to analyzer at powerup.
Factory config – installed
Jumper installed = AMB SMBus
connected to motherboard at power
4 - 8 Unused
Config file SW# ON, all others off
FB238_1 1 and 4
FB238_2 1 and 4
FB238_3 3 and 6
FB238_4 1 and 4