EMG Business Management System Manual
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The current version is available at the EMG Document Map website: http://emg.communications.agilent.com/quality/bms/040318_docMap.asp
(c) Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002, AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES
Outsourcing includes: 1) the decision to purchase a product rather than make it internally; 2) the
subsequent selection of a qualified supplier; and, 3) the management of the on-going relationship
with the supplier. The materials purchasing process description in Section 8.2 applies after the
decision, often called the “make versus buy” decision.
The General Manager of each business is ultimately responsible for the decision to outsource any
product in their business that significantly affects conformity with customer, stakeholder, and
regulatory requirements. Once the decision to outsource is made, responsibility for control falls on
the immediate management of the operation responsible for the product, and the supply-chain
management professionals that assist them. The degree of control for the outsourcing depends on
the significance of the outsourcing on product conformity and whether the outsourcing concerns a
new or existing product.
The EMG Product Lifecycle (PLC) process establishes the recommended management
checkpoints and basic considerations for the control of product lifecycle transitions, including
outsourcing for new product introductions and manufacturing, if the new product is taken to market.
The PLC process description is found at URL: http://sharedoc.collaboration.agilent.com/sites/EMG-
A complementary general framework for the selection and management of EMG contract
manufacturers is found in here: #epsg1043961. Outsourcing procedures are determined at the
local level and typically described in the Quality Procedures Manual and/or other local process and
In some cases strategic suppliers are shared across local operations in EMG or its business
divisions. In these cases, one entity may be tasked with managing all or part of the outsourcing on
behalf of the others. The Strategic Supplier Management team is an example. They manage the
overall business relationship with EMG‟s top-level strategic contract manufacturing and component
4.3 Management Review (5.6)
Top management for the business, reviews selected key quality and business measures to be
evaluated on at least on an annual basis and conducts a comprehensive quality review annually.
The Business Managers have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring regular management reviews
are conducted for their organization. As a result of such reviews, changes may be made to any
aspect of the quality management system including the quality policy and/or objectives to improve
suitability, adequacy or effectiveness.
EMG level Management Review
Management Review Process
4.4 CPI (5.3b, 5.4.1, 8.5.1, 8.2.3)
Continual Process Improvement in EMG is based on Management by Objectives. The EMG Quality
Manager and the Executive Leadership Team establish business-wide quality improvement
objectives that align with Agilent Technologies‟ Quality Policy. Objectives are assigned to owners
who are accountable to the Leadership Team for successful accomplishment of the objectives.
These objectives are communicated to all levels of the EMG organization. At each level, plans are