78 Language Dictionary
This command is valid only if the power supply is configured for the optional relay connector. Programming ON closes the
relay contacts; programming OFF opens them. The relay is controlled independently of the output state. If the power
supply is supplying power to a load, that power will appear at the relay contacts during switching. If the power supply is not
configured for the relay option, sending either relay command generates an error.
Command Syntax OUTPut:RELay[:STATe] <bool>
Parameters 0 | 1 | OFF | ON
*RST Value 0
Query Syntax OUTPput:RELay?
Returned Parameters 0 |1
Related Commands OUTP[:STAT] *RCL *SAV
This command is valid only if the power supply is configured for the optional relay connector. Programming NORMal
causes the relay output polarity to be the same as the power supply output. Programming REVerse causes the relay output
polarity to be opposite to that of the power supply output. If OUTP[:STAT] = ON when either relay command is sent, the
power supply output voltage is set to 0 during the time that the relays are changing polarity. If the power supply is not
configured for the relay option, sending either relay command generates an error.
Command Syntax OUTPut:RELay:POLarity <CRD>
Parameters NORMal | REVerse
Query Syntax OUTPput:RELay:POLarity?
Returned Parameters NORM | REV
Related Commands OUTP[:STAT] *RCL *SAV
Status Subsystem
This subsystem programs the power supply status registers. The power supply has three groups of status registers;
Operation, Questionable, and Standard Event. The Standard Event group is programmed with Common commands as
described in "Chapter 8 - Status Reporting". The Operation and Questionable status groups each consist of the Condition,
Enable, and Event registers and the NTR and PTR filters.
This command sets all defined bits in the Status Subsystem PTR registers and clears all bits in the subsystem NTR and
Enable registers. STAT:OPER:PTR is set to 1313 and STAT:QUES:PTR is set to 1555.
Command Syntax STATus:PRESet
Parameters (None)
Query Syntax (None)
Related Commands (None)