
76 Matrix Modules Command Reference Chapter 4
TRIGger:SOURce <source> specifies the trigger source to advance the
<channel_list> during scanning.
Comments Enabling the Trigger Source: TRIGger:SOURce only selects the trigger
source. INITiate[:IMMediate] enables the trigger source.
Using the TRIGger Command: You can use TRIGger[:IMMediate] to advance
the scan when TRIGger:SOURce BUS or TRIGger:SOURce HOLD is
Using External Trigger Inputs: With TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal selected,
only one switchbox at a time can use the external trigger input at the E1406A
"Trig In" port. The trigger input is assigned to the first switchbox requesting
the external trigger source (with a TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal command).
Assigning External Trigger: A switchbox assigned with TRIGger:SOURce
EXTernal remains assigned to that source until the switchbox trigger source
is changed to BUS, HOLD, or IMMediate. When the source is changed, the
external trigger source is available to the next switchbox requesting it (with
a TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal command). If a switchbox requests an
external trigger input already assigned to another switchbox, an error is
Using Bus Triggers: To trigger the switchbox with bus triggers when
TRIGger:SOURce BUS selected, use the IEEE 488.2 common command
*TRG or the GPIB Group Execute Trigger (GET) command.
"Trig Out" Port Shared by Switchboxes: When enabled, the E1406A
Command Module "Trig Out" port is pulsed by any switchbox each time a
scanned channel is closed. To disable the output for a specific module
send OUTPut:EXTernal[:STATe] OFF or OUTPut:EXTernal[:STATe] 0 for
that module.
One Output Selected at a Time: Only one output (TTLTrg or EXTernal) can be
enabled at one time. Enabling a different output source will automatically
disable the active output.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
BUS discrete *TRG or GET command
EXTernal discrete "Trig In" port
HOLD discrete Hold Triggering
IMMediate discrete Immediate Triggering
TTLTrgn numeric TTL Trigger Bus Line 0 - 7