In exercising this warranty, Agilent Technologies will repair or replace any product returned to the Agilent service
center, within the warranty period. The warranty covers all defects that are a result of workmanship or materials. This
excludes defects that are caused by accident, misuse, neglect, or abnormal operation.
The purchaser is responsible for returning the goods to the nearest Agilent service center. This includes
transportation costs and insurance. Agilent Technologies will return all warranty repairs with transportation prepaid.
1.8. Warranty and Repair Return Procedure, Assistance and Support
Agilent Technologies Inc. acquired Acqiris SA and its product lines in December 2006. Before returning any Agilent
Technologies Acqiris product for repair please contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Service Center.
You can find information about technical and professional services, product support, and equipment repair and
service on the Web, see
http://service.tm.agilent.com (or http://www.agilent.com/ and after selecting your country
click on Contact Us). The service center will ask for your name, company, phone number and address, the model
and serial numbers of the unit to be repaired, and a brief description of the problem.
Before issuing a Service Order they will ask you to communicate with us by phone or eMail so that we can learn as
much as needed about the problems observed. If a unit returned under guarantee is found to be working normally and
this procedure was not followed we reserve the right to charge you for the work done.
For your nearest customer support center contact Acqiris at 1-877-ACQIRIS in the USA, +41 22 884 32 90 in
Europe or +61 3 9210 2890 in the Asia-Pacific region. Alternatively, please contact Acqiris Technical Support
(support@acqiris.com) or come visit our web site at http://www.acqiris.com. The Agilent Technologies Support
Centers can also help redirect you for any questions concerning the installation and operation of your equipment.
1.9. System Requirements
In order to obtain reasonable performance from your digitizer, Acqiris products need the following minimum PC
System Requirements:
Processor: 150 MHz Pentium (higher recommended)
Memory: 64 Mbytes RAM. The previous number is a very rough estimate. Assuming that you are using AcqirisLive
or an application of your own that operates on the acquired data it seems reasonable to ask for 10 times the
total acquisition memory that you will be using at the same time in the application. Performance is likely
to be degraded if less memory is available.
Display resolution: At least 800 x 600 pixels and 256 colors for use of AcqirisLive or AcqirisDemo
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP including 2003 Server, Wind River VxWorks 5.5.1, and Linux.
The following Linux versions have compiled loadable kernel modules:
RedHat Enterprise Linux Version 3 - Kernel Version 2.4.21-4.EL
RedHat Enterprise Linux Version 3 - Kernel Version 2.4.21-4.ELsmp,
Suse Linux 9.2 - Kernel version 2.6.8-24-smp,
Debian Sarge 3.1 2.6.8-3-686,
Debian 4.0 etch Kernel version 2.6.18-4-686,
Scientific Linux 4.4 Kernel version 2.6.9-11.EL).
Linux kernel driver source code is available for compilation. Support for Windows 95/98/NT4 is included “as is”
since these operating systems are no longer supported by Microsoft.
Hard Drive Space: 20 Mbytes Minimum
CD Drive (or any method to copy Acqiris Software installation files from CD to the hard drive such as LAN, floppy
drive, etc.)
LabVIEW: The Acqiris LabVIEW driver is available for National Instruments LabVIEW versions 7.1or 8.0
LabVIEW RT: The Acqiris LabVIEW RT driver is available for National Instruments LabVIEW RT version 7.1 or
higher. The VISA driver must be version 3.0 or higher (and not 3.2,3.3, or 3.3.1 for DC2x2).
MATLAB: The Acqiris MEX interface can be used with MathWorks MATLAB 6.5 or a newer version.
Visual BASIC: The interface files and examples are available for Microsoft Visual Basic versions 5 or 6 and the
interface files only for .NET.
Tornado: The example files are useable with Wind River Tornado 2.2.1
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