Module I/O Specifications
A13 Output
See "A4 Modulation Distribution", page 12-8 for measurement procedure.
From A4 Modulation Distribution
AM_MOD J2(7)
Input Z 25 k Ω 5000 pF parallel shunt.
Sensitivity 25% AM / V
To A12 Pulse Attenuator
(Coax jumper connection) MAIN_RF_OUT J3(13)
Freq Main Band 501 to 1000 MHz
Divide Band 249 to 500 MHz
Heterodyne Band 0.25 to 248.9999999 MHz
Output Level
Maximum Output Power 0.25 - 249 MHz > 13 dBm
249 - 500 MHz > 15 dBm
500 - 1000 MHz > 16 dBm
Calibrated vernier rng 1 to 8 dBm Normal
0 tp 16 dBm Overrange
Minimum Output Lvl(Off) < −40 dBm Modulator Rangefor AM.
Spectral Purity — (Only contributions of the outputmodule)
Spurs < -65 dBc > 5 kHz Offset 5x4,3x2,RF
D feed, and L.O. feedthrough.
Harmonics < -36 dBc Ampl < +1 dBm + atten loss
(atten loss = 9 dB worst case)