
Replacement Parts 67
Replacement Parts
Table 5-1 lists the electrical components of the Agilent 6610xA Power Modules’ main, bias, and front panel boards. Table
5-2 lists the mechanical components of the module. Table 5-3 lists all of the components of the connector assembly. These
tables provide the following information:
þ Reference designation
þ Agilent Technologies part number
þ Description of part
You can order parts from your local Agilent Technologies sales office. A list of the regional sales offices is given at the
back of this manual. When ordering parts, include the following information:
þ Agilent Technologies part number
þ Description of the part
þ Quantity desired
þ MPS model number (e.g. Agilent 66101A)
Note The test point and locations diagrams in Chapter 6 identify the location of the electrical components on
the circuit boards.