A front-panel menu tutorial
This section is a step-by-step tutorial which shows you how to use the
front-panel menu. We recommend that you spend a few minutes with this
tutorial to get comfortable with the structure and operation of the menu
before attempting verification, calibration, or adjustments.
The menu is organized in a top-down tree structure with three levels
(menus, commands, and parameters). You move down
or up
the menu tree to get from one level to the next. Each of the three levels
has several horizontal choices which you can view by moving left
or right
> .
The menu is organized in a top-down tree structure with three levels.
To turn on the menu, press Shift Menu On/Off .
To turn off the menu, press Shift Menu On/Off .
To execute a menu command, press Enter .
To recall the last menu command that was executed,
Shift Recall Menu .
To turn off the menu at any time without saving changes,
Shift Cancel .
Chapter 3 Front-Panel Menu Operation
A front-panel menu tutorial