3 Rev. 10©1999 - 2006 DMC Co., Ltd.
TP/AST Series Product Specifications
1. Product Specifications
1-1. Product Applicable
§ This specification is applied to the analog resistive touchscreen: ATP/AST Series.
1-2. Structure
§ Dimensions, structure, and shape are referred on the drawing attached.
1-3. Environmental Specifications
Specification Value
Operating Temperature -20°C to 70°C (no condensation)
Operating Humidity
-20°C to 60°C Less than 90%RH (no condensation)
Exceeding 60°C 133.8g/m
(no condensation)
Storage Temperature -40°C to 80°C (no condensation)
Storage Humidity
-40°C to 60°C Less than 95%RH (no condensation)
Exceeding 60°C 142.9g/m
(no condensation)
Chemical Resistance
(top surface)
Toluene, Tricholoroethylene, Athetone, Alcohol,
Gasoline, Machine Oil, Ammonia, Glass Cleaner,
Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Wine, Salad Oil, Vinegar, Lipstick, etc.
1-4. Mechanical Characteristics
Specification Value
Activation Force 0.05N to 0.8N
Input (finger) 10,000,000 hits
Operating Life
Character Input (pen) 100,000 characters
Light Transmittance Over 80% (typical value at full wavelength)
Surface Hardness Over 2H (by JIS pencil hardness)
1-5. Electrical Characteristics
Specification Value
Maximum Voltage DC6V
Top Electrode 100mA
Bottom Electrode 100mA
Maximum Current
Between the Top and Bottom 0.5mA
Under ±2% (Under ±1% (typical value))
Top Electrode
Less than 1kΩ
Terminal Resistance
Bottom Electrode
Less than 1kΩ
Neighboring Terminals
Over 20MΩ at 25V
Insulation Resistance
Active Area Electrodes
Over 20MΩ at 25V
Chattering Less than 10msec at ON/OFF.