These operating instructions refer to latest technical specifi cation of Thyro-P at the time of publi-
cation and are for information purposes only. Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of
this specifi cation, however, in order to maintain our technological lead and for product enhance-
ment, we are continually improving our products which could, without notice, result in amendments
or omissions to this specifi cation. AEG PS cannot accept responsibility for damage, injury, loss or
expenses resulting therefrom.
These operating instructions for Thyro-P are organized so that all work required for commissioning,
maintenance and repair may be performed by corresponding specialist personnel.
If hazards to personnel and property cannot be excluded for certain work, then this work is marked
using certain icons. The meaning of these icons may be found in the prior chapter safety regula-
In this description, the following specifi c abbreviations are used:
AEG PS = AEG Power Solutions GmbH
ASM = automatic synchronization in multiple Power Controller application
(dynamic network load optimization)
DaLo = data logger (fault storage)
LBA = lokal operating and display unit
SEK = cabinet installation kit
LL = fi bre optic
LLS = fi bre optic transmitter
LLE = fi bre optic receiver
LLV.V = fi bre optic distribution supply
LLV.4 = fi bre optic distribution, 4-fold
SYT = synchronized clock
TAKT = Pulse full cycle
Customer shall provide written particulars, enclosing the delivery note, within 8 working days to
AEG PS on becoming aware of any defects in the goods during the Warranty period and shall use
its best endeavours to provide AEG PS with all necessary access, facilities and information to
enable AEG PS to ascertain or verify the nature and cause of the defect and carry out its warranty
If goods are found not to be defective or if any defect is attributable to Customer’s design or mate-
rial in operation of the goods, AEG PS will levy a testing charge and where relevant will return the
goods to Customer at Customer’s expense, and shall be entitled to payment in advance of the
whole testing and transport charge before such return.
AEG PS accepts no liability for defects caused by the Customer’s design or installation of the
goods; or if the goods have been modifi ed or repaired otherwise than as authorised in writing by
AEG PS; or if the defect arises because of the fi tting of the goods to unsuitable equipment.
AEG PS will cancel all possible obligations incurred by AEG PS and its dealers, such as warranty
commitments, service agreements, etc., without prior notice if other than original AEG spare parts
or spare parts purchased from AEG PS are used for maintenance or repair.