Spareribs If frozen in a block, Remove foil. 10–15 min
separate as soon as Turn over, rearrange and
possible. Shield remove any thawed pieces.
both ends with smooth
pieces of foil.
Pork Joint Place on an upturned Remove foil and turn over. 30–40 min.
saucer on a plate or on
a microwaveproof rack.
Shield thin areas and
outer edges with smooth
pieces of foil.
Whole Use an upturned saucer Remove foil from outer edges 30–40 min.
on a plate or a Turn over and shield warm.
microwaveproof rack. edges with foil.
Place chicken breast side
down. Shield wings, legs and
neck with smooth pieces
of foil.
Pieces Shield thin parts such as tips Remove foil 10–15 min.
with smooth pieces of foil. Turn over arrange so thicker
Arrange so thicker parts are parts are towards the outside
towards the outside of of the dish.
the dish
Auto Defrost
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