4 Important safety instructions
NNeevveerr aaddjjuusstt,, rreeppaaiirr oorr mmooddiiffyy tthhee oovveenn yyoouurrsseellff.. IItt iiss hhaazzaarrddoouuss ffoorr aannyyoonnee ootthheerr tthhaann aa
ccoommppeetteenntt ppeerrssoonn ttoo ccaarrrryy oouutt aannyy sseerrvviiccee oorr rreeppaaiirr ooppeerraattiioonn wwhhiicchh iinnvvoollvveess tthhee rreemmoovvaall
ooff aa ccoovveerr wwhhiicchh ggiivveess pprrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt eexxppoossuurree ttoo mmiiccrroowwaavvee eenneerrggyy..
Do n
ot operate the oven with the door open or alter the door safety latches in any way.
Do not operate the oven if there is an object between the door seals and sealing surfaces.
DDoo nnoott aallllooww ggrreeaassee oorr ddiirrtt ttoo bbuuiilldd uupp oonn tthhee ddoooorr sseeaallss aanndd aaddjjaacceenntt ppaarrttss.. FFoollllooww
iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr ““CCaarree && cclleeaanniinngg””.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn tthhee oovveenn iinn
aa cclleeaann ccoonnddiittiioonn ccoouulldd
lleeaadd ttoo aa ddeetteerriioorraattiioonn ooff tthhee ssuurrffaaccee tthhaatt ccoouulldd aaddvveerrsseellyy aaffffeecctt tthhee lliiffee ooff tthhee aapppplliiaannccee
aanndd ppoossssiibbllyy rreessuulltt iinn aa hhaazzaarrddoouuss ssiittuuaattiioonn..
ividuals with PACEMAKERS should check with their doctor or the manufacturer of the
pacemaker for precautions regarding microwave ovens.
To avoid the possibility of electric shock
Under no circumstances should you remove the outer cabinet.
Never spill or insert any objects into the door lock openings or ventilation openings. In the
event of a spill, turn off and unplug the oven immediately and call your local Service Force
Do not immerse the power supply cord or plug in water or any other liquid.
Do not allow the power supply cord to run over any hot or sharp surfaces, such as the hot air
vent area at the top rear of the oven.
Do not attempt to replace the oven lamp yourself or allow anyone who is not authorised by
Service Force to do so. If the oven lamp fails, please consult your dealer or contact your local
Service Force Centre.
If the power supply cord of this appliance is damaged, it must be replaced with a special cord.
The exchange must be made by an authorised Service Force technician.
To avoid the possibility of explosion and sudden boiling:
LLiiqquuiiddss aanndd ootthheerr ffooooddss mmuusstt nnoott bbee hheeaatteedd iinn sseeaalleedd ccoonnttaaiinneerrss ssiinnccee tthheeyy aarree lliiaabbllee ttoo
er use sealed containers. Remove seals and lids before use. Sealed containers can
explode due to a build up of pressure even after the oven has been turned off.
Take care when microwaving liquids. Use a wide-mouthed container to allow bubbles to
MMiiccrroowwaavvee hheeaattiinngg ooff bbeevveerraaggeess ccaann rreessuulltt iinn ddeellaayyeedd eerruuppttiivvee bbooiilliinngg,, tthheerreeffoorree ccaarree hhaass
ttoo bbee ttaakkeenn wwhheenn hhaannddlliinngg tthhee ccoonnttaaiinneerr..
To p
revent sudden eruption of boiling liquid and possible scalding:
1. Stir liquid prior to heating/reheating.
2. It is advisable to insert a glass rod or similar utensil into the liquid whilst reheating.
3. Let liquid stand for at least 20 seconds in the oven at the end of cooking time to prevent
delayed eruptive boiling.