Page 4 INTRAC-305 MANUAL - Issue 3.2 ©2011 Advantech Wireless
OPTIONS A number of options are available for the INTRAC-305.
The options are described in the following pages. Some of
these options require changes to the firmware or hardware
and some are only available when ordered at the time of
initial order.
Serial Interfaces only need a change to switch and / or
connector positions within the INTRAC.
Voltage The power supply unit (or units for Dual Redundant PSU
option) of the INTRAC-305 auto switch for nominal mains
voltages of 110Vac or 220Vac.
Tracking Signal The INTRAC-305 can be supplied with an integral L-band
beacon receiver (IBRL). Alternatively a voltage, from an
external receiver, which varies directly with the received
signal strength in dB may be used. The IBRL option should
be specified at time of initial order.
Serial Interfaces There are three communication ports on the INTRAC-305,
“Remote Port”, “Test Port 1” and “Test Port 2”. The Remote
Port is configured for RS232/RS423. Test Ports 1& 2 can be
independently configured as either RS423 or RS422.
This involves connecting the rear panel connectors to the
appropriate connectors on the main board and setting the
option links as shown below.
Polarisation If the antenna has motorised polarisation the INTRAC can be
user configured to control the polarisation angle. Polarisation
uses the standard Andrew polarisation resolver.
Note The standard version of the INTRAC-305 is firmware
configured for a Pol resolver geared 1:1 to the polarisation
tube. Firmware for a Pol resolver geared 2:1 to the
polarisation tube is available if required. Note this is a
Serial Port Configuration - Connector and Link Positions