SNC 5100
144 Commands
the Ethernet interface.
SN60023 > macShow
Enet MAC Address: 0.60.45.d.0.80
value = 33 = 0x21 = '!'
SN60023 >
Compressing the map database will cause device addresses to
change unpredictably. Use this command only when no host
systems are expecting devices to remain at their current addresses.
Occasionally, it may be necessary to eliminate inactive entries and reorder the
active entries in the Persistent Device Map database. The
mapCompressDatabase command removes entries for devices that are no
longer present and reassigns existing device entries to new addresses. The
devices will be assigned new addresses immediately and hosts must rescan for
devices or be rebooted.
This may be required when a host system has a limited number of logical units
that may be supported, and changing devices on the SNC 5100 has caused the
logical unit numbers to increase beyond the host’s supported level.
When you run this command you will be given the option of also clearing the
SFM access settings. Because devices will be assigned new addresses, clearing
the SFMdatabase ensures that hosts will not have access to the wrong LUNs.
Accepting this option requires that the system administrator must reassign
SFM access permissions between the hosts and LUNs.
SN60023 > mapCompressDatabase
This command will compress the Persistent Device Map.
SFM Access Settings may become invalid and
should be cleared because LUN assignments may change!
Do you want to compress the Device Map? (y or n) y
0xc1689ac0 (tShell): Wrote 23 device maps to file
Device Map Compressed
- Do you want to clear SFM Access Settings? (y or n) y
SFMAccess Cleared
value = 23 = 0x17