API Guide
601355 Rev A API Functions 2-951
VSCMD_Mount requests that VolServ mount a medium on a
When issuing a Mount command, the client can specify:
• A single medium
• A list of media
• A MediaClass group
• and either:
- A specific drive
- A drive pool
- A drive pool with the exclusion of drives
When a MediaClass group is specified, the client has the option
to reclassify the selected medium into a different MediaClass
group by specifying the
option is specified, VolServ reclassifies the selected medium
before performing any other action on the medium. Using this
option is similar to issuing a Reclassify request for the medium.
The Mount request supports a lock identifier parameter. This
parameter is required if the drive to be used in satisfying the
Mount request is locked. If a Mount request is issued for a
locked drive and does not specify a lock identifier, the Mount
request waits until the requested drive is unlocked.
The client also has the option of specifying how to handle a
mount that requires an inter-archive movement of the medium.
This option indicates whether an inter-archive medium
movement should or should not be attempted and whether to
consider if the source and destination archives are operator
attended or not.