ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
44 C
Root Mode
Root is the top-level mode in the CLI administration console; all other modes
run within this mode. From within root mode you can access second-level
command modes, such as slot configuration mode. To enter root mode from
within any configuration mode, type root.
Table 2-2 lists available root commands as they appear when you type help
at the command prompt. Global commands are not listed and can be found
in Table 2-1 on page 42. Note that the help command output displays many
commands in their abbreviated form.
Table 2-2 Root Mode Commands
Command Description
aaa Configures TACACS+ and RADIUS network
access-list Creates an access list, which consists of IP filtering
access-profile Creates an access profile for a user.
account Creates user accounts.
alarm-throttle Configures alarm delivery and threshold parameters.
aux-device Configures hardware alarm and clocking parameters.
bridge-group Creates a bridge group.
bridge-timeout Configures timers for bridge group broadcast flows.
ccdown Shuts down the control module.
chassis Configures multi-chassis support parameters.
chassis-config Configures local chassis parameters.
chassis-fault Configures chassis alarms.
cm-filter Creates a cable modem filter.
db-check Validates provisioning database information.
db-connect Configures access to the provisioning database.
event-config Configures event reporting, throttling, and syslog
event-log Empties the event log.
http-server Starts and stops the Web server.
lookup Controls the Jini lookup service on the chassis.