The scale can be controlled with the following commands.
Input Commands:
• The scale has a number of commands to either cause an action or to
enter data into memory. The commands are all upper case and are
summarised below.
• All commands are terminated by a carriage return (Enter button on
PC keyboard) with the line feed optional.
• If an illegal command is received or a command cannot be carried out
then send the command back with the addition of ER in front of it. For
example, if the command is NN<cr><lf> send ER NN<cr><lf>.
Basic Commands:
PLUxx Select PLU from scale memory to be used
T Tare current weight value
T123.456 preset tare value is 123.456
Z Zero the display
P Print using selected format
M+ Store current results into memory and print
MR Recall memory values to scale display
MC Clear memory
U123.456 Store unit weight of 123.456
(grams if in kilograms or pounds if currently in pounds)
Enter sample size of 123 parts. Same as pressing [Smpl] key.
SL Select local scale to be used
SR Select remote scale to be used
Immediate Printing Commands:
Command Output from scale
\L Scale: Local or Remote
\I ID number same as PUID below
\S Scale number same as PSID below
\N Net weight
\G Gross Weight
\T Tare weight
\U Unit weight
\P Count
\C Total Count
\W Total Weight
\M Number of items stored in memory
\B A blank line printed
© Adam Equipment Company 2007