Terminator codes
“Space” or “,” will be used to separate these data. You can skip them, but you
cannot skip “,” after “PF”. You must start with “PF,”.
Data Format for the Scale Data
Parameters for the scale data will be replaced by the format below when the scale
sends them out.
Data has a fixed number of digits including a sign and a decimal point. The
insignificant zeros are replaced by “Space (20H)” (except the ID number).
+ 1 234
P C 1234 pcs / 9 digit data + 3 digit unit
+ 4 . 3 2 1 0
k g 4.3210 kg / 9 digit data + 3 digit unit
$UW + 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7
g 1.234567 g / 9 digit data + 3 digit unit
+ 1 . 2 3 4 5
k g 1.2345 kg / 9 digit data + 3 digit unit
+ 9 9 9 9 9 9
P C 999999 pcs / 9 digit data + 3 digit unit
1 2 3 4 1234 times / 8 digit data
$CD 0 0 0 0 1 2 ID Number 000012 / 6 digit data
$CP O K Result is “OK” / 2 characters
Result is not available.
Examples of PF command and AD-8121 Printout Sample
AD-8121 (f-06-03=” 0” or “1”) “PF” Command
(HC-i Æ AD-8121) (Computer Æ HC-i )
"~" shows "Space.".
Normally the printer needs to receive the terminator, and do not forget to add the
terminator code(s) to the end of text data.
in examples below shows “Space” (20H).