
Section 3: Memory Mode
The Monitor 3 Air wrist unit is able to display the details of
the last 19 dives. Any dive that lasts two minutes or longer
is entered into memory. After the memory is filled with all
19 dives, the oldest dive is deleted for each new dive
entered. All the dive information stays in memory until the
battery is removed.
The illustration on the opposite page shows all the informa-
tion that is logged for each dive.
Downloading the Memory to a PC
With the use of a separate interface kit, the Monitor 3 Air
has the ability to download the details of the last 37 dives to
an IBM compatible computer. In addition, detailed informa-
tion on the last 200
minutes of diving,
sampled every 20
seconds, allows the
software to plot a graph
depicting your actual
dive profile and display
the computer informa-
tion anywhere along the
The interface kit and
software available from
your Authorized U.S.
Divers dealer.
Note: The procedures for downloading data to a personal
computer are described in the manual that comes with the
interface kit.