When you take damage from enemy fire, blood splatter will appear and the damage indicator
will show you the direction the fire is coming from. If you can find cover and avoid enemy
fire you will eventually recover and be able to continue at full strength.
Press the > button any time in Campaign or Special Ops to pause the game and access
this menu. From here you may access game Options (described below), restart the current
level, revert to your last checkpoint, lower the difficulty of the game if the mission is too
hard, or save and quit to the Main Menu.
Modern Warfare® 3 cannot be paused while playing in MP mode. Pressing > in MP
will bring up a menu that will allow you to choose a new class (taking effect on your next
spawn), view the description of your current game mode, and access the Options menu.
Keep in mind that the MP match is still active in the background when you are in this screen.
You may access the Options menu from the main menus or in-game via the Pause/
Objectives Screen and MP Objectives Screen. In this menu you can choose different control
schemes, or adjust various game settings such as control sensitivity or look inversion.
In the Story and Special Ops main menus you may access the Stats option to view statistics
for each mode, such as play time and completion percentage. In Multiplayer various
statistics are available via the Barracks section.